Martlesham Monthly Leaflet Distribution
Martlesham Monthly is distributed to 2850 homes and businesses covering the whole of Martlesham, Martlesham Heath and Brightwell.
You will need to get 2850 copies of your leaflet printed. The charge for the distribution of leaflets is £25 and details of how and when you can pay, will be sent in your confirmation email.
If you would like your leaflets included in our magazine, the procedure is as follows –
Please email giving a 1st and 2nd choice of months – this is most important as we only take 3 leaflets each month. We will then email you back to confirm which month we can accommodate you, together with instructions for you to deliver them to the 1st Martlesham Scout Group HQ between 8.00am and 8.30am on the specified date. To enable us to keep the cost of this service so low, this is the only means by which your leaflets will be included.
If you would like your leaflets included in our magazine, the procedure is as follows –
Please email giving a 1st and 2nd choice of months – this is most important as we only take 3 leaflets each month. We will then email you back to confirm which month we can accommodate you, together with instructions for you to deliver them to the 1st Martlesham Scout Group HQ between 8.00am and 8.30am on the specified date. To enable us to keep the cost of this service so low, this is the only means by which your leaflets will be included.
Please note that this service is currently suspended as we have changed the way prepare for distribution to optimise Covid security for our volunteers. Please contact Martlesham Adverts to enquire about one-off advertising.